Nash's house has beautiful gardens...
The next Shakespeare house we visited was Hall's Croft, where one of Shakespeare's daughters, Susanna, lived with her husband Dr John Hall.
Emily is completing a quiz on Hall's croft, using her new quill...
An exquisite 16th century carved wooden baby's high chair:
In the gardens of Hall's croft..
Next we visited Holy Trinity church in Stratford-Upon-Avon, to pay our respects at William Shakespeare's grave. We didn't realise until speaking with a guide, that Emily's birthday of 23rd April is also the date of both Shakespeare's birth and death.
This memorial to Shakespeare was erected by Shakespeare's friends soon after his death in 1616.
After leaving Holy Trinity Church we travelled to Mary Arden's farm. This is where Shakespeare's mother Mary grew up. There were displays of tudor farming and implements, as well as a falconry demonstration. Here are some of the birds we saw at Mary Arden's farm:
The falconer works with Izzy the barn owl.
Emily makes a lavender bag...
Emily poses with Widget the kestrel.
The final house tour of the day was Anne Hathaway's cottage. This is where the young William Shakespeare courted his future wife Anne Hathaway.
Cool sculpture in the gardens of Anne Hathaway's cottage...
The talking poetry tree. Emily was the only one to get it to talk, until Dad realised he needed to moisten his hands with water, to make the connection better with his hands.
We finished off our second day in Stratford at Wildwood restaurant - very delicious!